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Robotics and Spark Producing Devices

Welcome to our improve range of Robotics and spark producing devices, we have worked on our range and believe we now have the ultimate range to cater for both Theatre and Film. 

Type One - Ideal for stage use, daylight and brightly lit scenes, electrical fault simulator, very bright for drawing the audience attention to an area.

Type Two - Ideal for TV/Film, electrical fault simulator which will not overpower the shot with an effect that is too bright, ideal for incidentals in the background that aren't the focal point of attention.

Type Three - Good for molten metal, lava, volcanoes or electrical short circuits, also good for simulating welding sparks or hot embers from burning items.

Type Four - Ideal for simulating electrical short circuits where prolonged sparks could be problematic, also good for bullet strikes on objects, laser blasts or small controlled explosions.

Explosion Simulator - Ideal for dramatic electrical explosions of large items like transformers.

Spark Hits - These tiny effects are idea for creating sparks from a magicians wand.

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